Sales girls at clothing stores like to encourage purchases with comments such as “These coats (dresses, skirts, blouses) are very popular. Everyone’s wearing them!” That’s usually enough for me to move on to the next item. At my age, who wants to be wearing what everyone else is wearing?
On the other hand, I’ve also been known to buy a few items of clothing at Costco. It’s so handy … there I am buying batteries and chickens, may as well buy a pair of jeans or a red suede jacket. And besides, the prices are terrific.
It all came back to haunt me, however, this morning as I walked into Starbucks. I saw her through the glass door before I even entered the store. She was wearing the same red suede jacket I was. I laughed and we talked about it as we stood in line for our lattes. Then, twenty seconds later, another identical red suede jacket walks in the door. There we were … the three of us … in the same red suede jacket.
One of the other Starbucks patrons remarked, “Someone must have been having a sale.”
“No,” I replied, “Costco.” And we all laughed.