For Mother’s Day, I scored a beautiful bouquet of red roses, a ceramic sun for my patio wall, and a chaise lounge for the patio. I had been wanting a chaise lounge for a long time, and told my husband exactly where to buy the one I wanted. Touchdown!
I also got a really funny card from my brother and sister-in-law, with a bit of webmaster humor in it. On the front was a cartoon of Mom, asleep on the sofa wearing pink fuzzy slippers, while Dad and two kids looked on completely aghast! The copy inside read:
“Oh, no! The server’s down!”
Which brings me to my next piece of business. Sharing Links has been having some growing pains, and the server has been going down a few times a day for the last several days. As soon as the brainy gurus figure out what is causing the problems, we will roll out some new features, and open up the beta test to more users. So for the time being, don’t ask for an invitation code. There are none to be handed out now.