I’ve written about Joel Comm‘s “AdSense Secrets” ebook before, but today I wrote a longer letter with more details about my experience with his book.
You know the guy I’m talking about? He’s the one making all sorts of claims about how he can help us webmasters make more money with Google AdSense.
Click here for AdSense eBook.
I really enjoyed Joel Comm’s Books..Thanks!
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Hi there,
I really enjoyed your content. Please are you aware of the time one needs to host a site before registering for adsense. Tell me hear from you soon.
Like evryone was saying about it “That’s a very helpful and very interesting book”.
Joel Comm is a brilliant man, I got many ideas after reading his ebook, Thanking You Joel Comm Wonderful Job
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I must say that Joel Comm has done a wonderful job.
Well I have read his book and it is having a pretty useful information in it.
I would recommend to anyone willing get this book.