Last week I was totally whipped by a case of bronchitis. And even though I am still barking like a dog, today is the first day in eight that I feel better. I hope your virus protection is up-to-date, because what I had was nasty!
(Okay … that was a bit of nerd humor … not very funny, I know … but I mean well! ) Hope yours was better than mine.
Did you participate in any of our recent polls? Here’s a roundup of recent results:
1) 38% of readers did yawn after watching the yawning video.
2) My daughter named our kitten “Snookums” even though it was the least favorite name among my readers.
3) My bookmarking project is still in development (but getting really close.) You can still tell me about your bookmarking habits by filling out the survey (or posting a comment):
I had bronchitus too. Lost 10 pounds in 10 days! Has taken me 2 months to get rid of it. Watch out for possible occuring sinus infection.