I am penning next week’s newsletter intro on Thanksgiving Day, as I will be attending a conference next week. The turkey is in the oven, and everything else is nearly done, so here I sit at my computer.
As soon as I sent last week’s newsletter I realized that I did not wish my American readers a “Happy Thanksgiving.” Then I began to think about how the practice of wishing holiday happiness has left the personal, and spilt over into the commerical. Many businesses send holiday greetings. And I often enjoy receiving them. But if a company (me, in this case) fails to express a holiday greeting, is it a faux paux that requires an apology?
In any case, I hope yours was a warm and loving holiday.
Coming from Plymouth, MA. I do love to celebrate Thanksgiving and keep the Christmas commercialism at bay until December. I also like the concept of giving Thanks.
So I’d like to thank surfnetkids for all the great work that you have done this year and especially for your willingness to share.
The high*light* of this year was the movie “Light an Educational Fire”.
I wish more businesses would give thanks to their customers, just in little ways of sharing such things Educational Fire quotes, premium newsletters for printable club members, etc.