Let me tell you a story. The year was 1999, and I went to the local Computer Fair in Del Mar, California. I don’t remember much about it, and I never would even be thinking about it today except that apparently I picked up a business card.
The card advertised the services of one Doug Lemmon, webmaster, and his company The Starving Students something or another. Apparently that card was dropped on my desk, and then quickly buried under the usual pile of papers. And there it
hid until the day that Disney sent a film crew to my office, wanting to interview me about kids on the Net, etc, etc. So guess who had to clean off her desk, and guess what I found? Doug’s card. I called him. We got together. And Doug started
working as my webmaster and assorted assistant, answering email, uploading files, link checking everything, and putting together the weekly newsletters. For eleven years.
Doug died from complications of urethral cancer at the San Diego Hospice on Monday March 15, 2010. Just a week after his 56th birthday. May he rest in peace. He’ll be missed here on Earth.
P.S. Support your local hospice organization. They do God’s work.
i went to school with doug . he was a year behind me and we ran around a little as teens. he stopped in to see me a few years ago when he came home for a visit. i was glad to see that doug was sucessful at what he did. i was shocked to hear of his passing. dan