Felix the dog is having cat trouble. For a few days we kept the cats isolated. Then we slowly introduced them, with Felix on a leash. The cats could certainly teach Felix a few lessons in kitty cat ettiquette (they have claws!) but so far, Felix hasn’t gotten the message. So our peaceful household is being interupted with the occasional outbreak of hissing (the cats), chasing (dog after cat) and screaming (us.)
How is the new dog working out? Ask me next week. Or maybe next month.
Did you try putting the cats in a cage/carrier and letting the dog sniff them?
We’ve had dogs and cats together and that’s all they want to do is sniff the cat to see what kind of dog she is. One dog could not get enough and wanted to sniff her every chance she got until the cat got tired of her and swatted her (she’s declawed).