We’ve been having a bit of kitty drama at our house recently. We got a new kitten from the rescue shelter, and she’s really cute and completely friendly and lovable. But suddenly today she starting having litterbox accidents, and now she’s on meds for a cold and cough.
She came home from the rescue shelter with a bell on a collar, so Howard and I named her Bella. But my daughter wants to call her Boo…. so her full name is Bella Boo. Oh, and her big friend is Felix. You can see more of our pet photos at Flickr: Barbara Feldman.
Bella Boo and Felix
About a week after christmas my famly and i went to my aunt house for a late christmas and i got a brand new never opened laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it totally Rocks
how cute of that pic they look so happy you know there best buds lol
After you feed Bella Boo, PUT her directly into the litter box so that she can familiarize herself with the procedure. If she continues to have “accidents” you can rub her nose into the particular area, and then again, PUT her into the litter box. Make sure you clean the “accident” area thoroughly, but NOT with ammonia. Lots of soap and hot water. I use Lestoil. By the way, make sure you do not switch brands of cat litter along the way, even if another brand is on sale. Remember not to move the litter box around to different areas of your home, as little kittens tend to get confused. Good luck with Bella Boo. My cat, Lola, was also adopted from a local shelter. She’s a real pleasure to have. She is finally bonding with everyone on an individual basis, but with unique displays of affection for every family member. Kitties are lots of fun, so ENJOY!