All those Seattleites who tell us Californians that it always rains in Seattle, are just pulling our (collective) legs! The weather this week has been beautiful.
I am here for a (kinda secret) mastermind meeting with about thirty of the smartest people I know. Before the meetings started this afternoon, I walked down to the Public Market to buy some fresh fruit for my hotel room. I came upon these hanging peppers, and I just couldn’t resist buying one for my kitchen. I don’t cook with a lot of chili peppers, but just looking at these put a smile on my face. A shout out to my friend Kit who tells me the are called “ristras.”
Seattle is a nice place. You can see lot of beautiful places like markets. The picture is very nice spices looks a decoration with its beautiful color. Thanks for sharing the post.
Wish, I could use them for my Diwali this year, really nice, they are.
Wish I had some to hang in my kitchen. They are so colorful.
Great photo! But are you sure that “rista” isn’t short for “tourista”?
Ha ha ha! Here’s a little write up about how to make your own rista!
I wish I could have seen your picture but my computer wouldn’t let me open it.
On your computer? That’s odd!