Yesterday was a very bizarre day here in San Diego. In the wee hours of the morning a crane fell over at the intersection of two major freeways, and paralyzed our city for an entire day. Forget terrorism preparedness. What about crane preparedness?
My daughter’s school was in chaos. When teachers called in to say they were gong to be delayed, they were told to turn around and go home. Students, however, were accepted as usual at morning drop-off. Around ten a.m., however, we got a call from our daughter. School is closing. Come pick her up. Howard fielded the call, and wanted to also retrieve our two nieces. Nope, we couldn’t do it. School wasn’t closing. Wait… no it is closing. School will close at 12:15. Come get your kids. WHAT?
My newphew managed to get to preschool. Kids that arrived after him were turned away (sorry, preschool is closed.) Banks were closed. Trains were halted. Hospitals had difficulty remaining open. Businesses had no employees. Meetings had no attendees.
What happens when a city’s ateries are clogged? Everyone stays home. It’s a TRAFFIC DAY in sunny, southern California!
A snow day is much easier to deal with. Most people can get up in the morning, look out the window, and at least guess if it is going to be a snow day. No one can look out the window and guess that a crane broke!